Working through COVID-19

Everyone here at RED hopes that you and your families are well and remain in good spirits during these challenging times. We thought that we would bring you up to date with life at RED Construction: 

The strength of the business has enabled RED to continue and we are still self-funding with all of our staff in place on full pay. We have not had to take up the Government’s furlough offer and very much hope to continue as we are, working to reduce the burden on our economy. 

We are still working on live sites, social distancing and taking every reasonable precaution to protect our teams, supply chain partners and the public.

We are continuing to tender and undertaking pre-construction, design development and planning roles in a very active market.

We remain very optimistic about the future for RED and intend to maintain a steady work volume, increasing as the restrictions ease. We are also in regular contact with our sub-contract supply chain partners and materials suppliers to assist in helping them through this crisis.

Whilst we have contingency plans to ensure worst-case scenarios are dealt with, we currently remain “all systems go” and are proactively looking to maintain steady growth through this period.

Please give Graham Sturge or Jim Lomas-Farley a call if you would like any further detail or would like to discuss a project.
