Who We Are

Our people are the foundation of RED

“Our team comprises over 180 talented individuals, some known to senior management for many years and others hired for their additional experience and expertise. We value the mix of strengths and insights this approach brings, and we are proud to have built a team with a diversity of perspectives and backgrounds. Our active in-house graduate recruitment and training programmes also play a key role in creating an effective and united team while also helping foster the industry’s next generation. RED has no B-teams, only dedicated individuals who have a vested interest in building our reputation for successful delivery.”

Graham Sturge | Group CEO


Our Values

RED’s core values are driven by relationships, channelling our enthusiasm for the built environment into delivering our promises and value in all that we do.

It is our mission to operate in an ethical, transparent manner that creates client value, embracing the innovation that keeps us evolving and helps us deliver the best outcomes.

We believe in creating an enjoyable, inclusive, and safe environment, focused on empowering and training our teams to maximise their potential.

Construction can deliver so much for the communities they serve, so creating a RED legacy means delivering value through respect and in support of what we leave behind.

Our Story

RED Construction Group was founded in 2016 by Graham Sturge and Ian Hopkinson.


Independent and agile, RED quickly established itself as a main contractor to watch in London. Our growth in work was matched by an expansion of the team, initially through the onboarding of long-standing colleagues and friends known for their proven abilities, followed by the recruitment of new industry talent. 

From inception, RED delivered an exceptional portfolio of schemes in the capital. These included landmark structures and developments such as Axtell House, a state-of-the-art mixed-use site in London’s Soho, and the UK debut for international hotel brand Ruby Lucy in Waterloo. We demonstrated the calibre of our capabilities in new-build and refurbishment projects through consistent delivery of outstanding quality and defined our specialisation in the commercial, residential, leisure and hotel sectors.

With a controlled growth strategy in place, RED continued to evolve significantly and profitably. Momentum was maintained throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, with the company keeping sites operational and no impact on staff, without any reliance on government support. Similarly, RED has remained in a strong position in the face of challenges from the Ukraine war and Brexit to the industry due to strong internal frameworks and consistent supplier relationships.

RED now employs over 180 people across its Group structure, comprising distinct divisions: RED London, RED South West and RED Special Projects. The Group’s values and objectives steer its approach to client and project work as RED continues to implement positive change and a legacy.