Project: Townsend House – 5 Greycoat Place
London SW1P 1BL
Dear Neighbours,
RED Construction Group Ltd has commenced works on the Townsend House project. Please find below information in relation to the project. We are taking pride in maintaining high standards on their construction sites and we will ensure that we engage with our neighbours frequently, to listen to concerns and keep you updated each step of the way.
Your contact on site:
Senior Site Manager – Nash Aziz
Telephone: 02035823480
We apologise for any inconvenience our works may have caused.
The RED Construction Team.
February 2021
Project Start Up
We have worked with Westminster City Council to ensure that all our procedures and proposals satisfy the approved code of construction practice. We have also drawn up agreements on our traffic management plans and site environmental plans & procedures.
Early phase works
Our groundwork contractor has made a start on site. First task is to install a temporary works scheme in the basement level on the boundary wall. This involves drill fixing and bolting together a number of steel props and wailing beams. Once the temporary works scheme is in place providing support to the highway & boundary wall – we are then able to commence further demolition.
Up and coming works
As you are aware the main building was demolished, but only to ground floor level. Our first phase of demolition involves breaking out and removing that final ground floor slab and supporting columns. We look to commence this within the next couple of weeks.